Versions Compared


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A step-by-step guide on how to connect CommCare and Salesforce

Table of Contents




! In this how-to guide built by TechnoServe, a nonprofit that works with communities to build competitive farms, businesses, and industries, you will learn:

  1. How to set up a two-way data sync from CommCare to Salesforce via OpenFN.

  2. How to create auto-generated IDs using concatenation.

Table of Contents


For starters, here’s a quick review of how TechnoServe is using the data sync and concatenation:

Syncing two-way data via OpenFN

At a high-level, here’s how this sync works for the TechnoServe team:


This process ensures that TechnoServe is processing as much data locally as possible, so that field staff always have the most up-to-date information on their mobile devices, even if they are not in a position to sync. For instance, TechnoServe auto-generates participant IDs when they register new participants based on the trainer that registered them, their training group, and the household they were registered in. This means instead of waiting for Salesforce to assign the ID, TechnoServe allows CommCare to do the heavy lifting, and ID’s are available for use in the field without needing to sync.

Using concatenation on auto-generated IDs

First, what is concatenation?
Concatenation is a series of interconnected things or events.


The combination of the two-way data flow between CommCare, and Salesforce and generating unique IDs on field worker’s mobile devices with concatenation, allows TechnoServe to run near real-time reports in Salesforce on things like training attendance, training observations and participant feedback, and demo plot observations.

Step-by-step guide


While the use case specifically associated with this released version may be somewhat specific to agricultural technical assistance, the idea is that other organizations can adopt the same framework and modify as needed to suit their particular needs.
