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The Basic Case Management Tutorial will walk you through the basic first steps of linking forms together to make a case management-enabled application. It is highly recommended that you complete both the basic and advanced case management tutorials before building an application with case management.


titleBasic Case Management Tutorial Learning Objectives

In the Basic Case Management Tutorial you will learn the following:

  • More practice on form creation by developing a follow-up form
  • Advanced logic for follow-up forms
  • How to configure a form to register a case
  • How to set a form to require a case as a follow-up form

Other aspects of case management are covered in the Advanced Case Management tutorials


This tutorial picks up at the end of the Hidden Value Calculations Tutorial.

 Get Started with Adding a Follow-up Form!

titleGuide to the Basic Case Management TutorialborderStylesolid

Basic Case Management Tutorial Home

  1. Adding a Follow-up FormForms - add a second form two more forms to your application with more practice in creating a form
  2. Test your Application without Case Management enabled
  3. building
  4. Registering a New Case - get to know the Form Case Management Tab and how to make your Registration Form open a New Case.
  5. Configure a Follow-up Form - how to make a form require selection of a case before opening it (i.e. requiring and close out a case).Configuring the Case Type, List, and Details
  6. Menu-level Case Management Settings - how to prepare all of your modulemenu-level case management Test your Application with Case Management enabled- Test it out and see how the data submissions workand test out your new application