A Project Space in CommCare is a secure, web-based space where all data related to your CommCare applications is stored, managed, and accessed. It serves as a centralized hub that enables organizations to efficiently develop, deploy, and oversee and use the applications for data collection and case management.
How to Create a Project space?
Creating and setting up a new project space is a very easy process. Here are the steps to create and setting up an all new project space: https://dimagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/yS3Kfw.
If the users already have an existing project space and they to create a new project space, here are the steps to create a new one:
Click on the dropdown menu displaying current project space name in the top-right corner
At the end of this list, select the “+ Add Project” option.
A new page appears which ask the users to name the project space. Enter the name and click on “Create Project”. Once this is done a new project space will be created and the user is directed to it.
Project Space Functionality