Element | Attribute | Description | Value/Example |
| xmlns:jrm
| Namespace for CommCare XForms | <http://dev.commcarehq.org/jr/xforms >
| xmlns
| Namespace for the form designer | <http://openrosa.org/formdesigner/4E761EC2-20EA-47EB-904E-557041DCAD1C >
| uiVersion
| User interface version | 1
| version
| Form version | 66
| name
| Name of the form | Household Registration
| | Unique identifier for the household | (To be populated dynamically) @{items('Individual_Row_Transformation')?['Household_ID']} |
| | Location information for the household | @{items('Individual_Row_Transformation')?['Location']}
| xmlns:n0
| Namespace for CommCare case transaction | <http://commcarehq.org/case/transaction/v2 >
| case_id
| Unique identifier for the case | @{toLower(items('Individual_Row_Transformation')?['case_id'])}
| date_modified
| Date and time when the case was last modified | 2024-07-17T16:29:41.762+05:30
| user_id
| User ID responsible for the case creation or update | 3d33230ce23d4a7f85db80031e805c06
| | Section defining the creation of a new case | |
| | Name of the case | @{items('Individual_Row_Transformation')?['Household_ID']}
| | ID of the case owner | 3d33230ce23d4a7f85db80031e805c06
| | Type of the case | household
| | Section including updates to the case | |
| | Unique identifier for the household (updated) | @{items('Individual_Row_Transformation')?['Household_ID']}
| | Location information (updated) | @{items('Individual_Row_Transformation')?['Location']}
| xmlns:n1
| Namespace for form metadata | <http://openrosa.org/jr/xforms >
| | Device ID used for form submission | Formplayer
| | Start time of form entry | 2024-07-17T16:29:29.800+05:30
| | End time of form entry | 2024-07-17T16:29:41.762+05:30
| | Username of the person submitting the form | migration1
| | User ID associated with the form submission | 3d33230ce23d4a7f85db80031e805c06
| | Unique identifier for the form instance | @{guid()}
| xmlns:n2
| Namespace for application version | <http://commcarehq.org/xforms >
| | Formplayer version used | 2.53
| | Time drift indicator | 0