You can choose to be billed on a monthly pay-as-you-go basis or pre-pay for a year in advance to benefit from our discounted Annual pricing.
30 day minimum commitment for Monthly billing: Please note that all Monthly billed plans require a 30 day minimum commitment. In other words, after subscribing to a plan, you can only downgrade after 30 days. If you try to downgrade during the 30 day window, your plan will be scheduled to auto-downgrade at the end of the 30 day window.
Important: Please refer to our Billing terms before signing up for a monthly or annually billed subscription.
Applying for a pro-bono plan or feature
12 month minimum commitment for Annual Billing: Please note that all Annually billed plans require a 12 month minimum advance payment (prepayment) commitment within 30 days of sign-up. If you cancel or downgrade within 90 days, starting from the start date of your Subscription Term, you will be charged on a prorated basis for the service provided, and rest will be fully refunded. After 90 days, the advance payment is non-refundable and the service will continue until the end of the Subscription Term.
Important: Please refer to our Billing terms before signing up for a monthly or annually billed subscription.
Applying for a pro-bono plan or feature
Dimagi offers pro-bono software plans or features on a need-only basis. Pro bono applications are usually granted to small organizations who want to do a small or pilot project and who have thoroughly considered their feature needs. You can apply for a pro-bono plan by filling out this application.
Developer accounts will be offered pro-bono to developers looking to write tools that integrate with CommCare. To make a developer account request, please email information@dimagi.com.
Renewing your subscription
If your
One month before your contract end date, you will receive a reminder email from CommCareHQ mentioning that your contracted subscription is about to end.
When you receive the email, click the link provided to go to the subscription page (https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[project name]/settings/project/subscription/), and hit the renew button. Choose your current plan or a higher plan if other functionalities will be needed. Using the "renew" button ensures that your subscription will be renewed as soon as your current contract runs out and that there will be no interruption in your use of functionalities. Even if you renew before the end of your contract, you won’t get charged for the new plan until the current one expires.current subscription is ending within the next 90 days, you can renew at any time by clicking “Renew Plan” under your Project Settings > Current Subscription.
You will also receive Subscription Ending email reminders from CommCare 30 days, 10 days, and 1 day prior to your current subscription end date. All Contact Emails listed in your Subscription Billing Information page and all Admins of your project space will receive these alerts.
If you are renewing an Annual Payment plan, you can make payment as per instructions provided to Prepay and if you are renewing a Monthly Payment plan, you can make payment as per instructions provided to Postpay here: How to Pay by Credit Card or Wire Payment.
For any additional support, please contactaccounts@dimagi.com
Upgrading or downgrading to another software plan
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Monthly Billing: All monthly subscriptions require a minimum 30 day commitment. You can pause a subscription at any time after the first 30 days by navigating to Project Settings > Current Subscription > Change Plan and selecting the Pause Subscription option. What happens after your subscription gets paused?
Annual Billing:
Monthly Billing:
All monthly subscriptions require a minimum 30 day commitment. You can pause a subscription at any time after the first 30 days by navigating to Project Settings > Current Subscription > Change Plan and selecting the Pause Subscription option.
To end your subscription, go to to Project Settings > Current Subscription and click "Talk to Sales". We will respond back as soon as we can and click “Change Plan” > Select “Pause Subscription”.
Making a payment and getting an invoice
Pre-pay for the number of months of your choice and for any SMS or user credits by going to: https://www.commcarehq.org/a/[YOUR PROJECT SPACE NAME]/settings/project/subscription/ and follow the steps outlined at https://dimagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Gy7Kfw. Please note that credits don’t expire even if you suspend your subscription.
Post-pay on a monthly basis, after you receive your monthly invoice and follow payment instructions on the invoice and follow the steps outlined at https://dimagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Gy7Kfw.
Automatically pay on a monthly basis, with a credit card on file that is selected to automatically pay a generated invoice each month. Simply check the “Use this card to autopay” when saving a new card on the Billing information page, or any time you are editing a card that has already been saved.
Annual Billing
Pre-pay for a year in advance to benefit from our discounted Annual pricing. For more information, please go to Project Settings > Current Subscription and click "Contact Sales". We will respond back as soon as we canAll Pay Annual Plans come with a 12 month prepayment commitment and you are required to complete the advance payment within 30 days of your subscription start date. You can make an advance payment as per instructions provided to Prepay here: How to Pay by Credit Card or Wire Payment.
Monthly invoicing and payment process