In its High-Impact Growth Framework, Dimagi lists four questions that we ask ourselves to evaluate whether a potential solution we’re building achieves High-Impact Growth, and thus contributes to our mission to build and scale sustainable, high-impact digital solutions that amplify the efforts of Frontline Workers and programs. You can read this in full detail below.
In its quest to deliver high impact, CommCare is designed to amplify frontline programs’ abilities to improve wellbeing for all. Some noteworthy featuers include:
Strong Open Source Commitment & Platform
Top-Tier Data Security Standards, including HIPAA and GDPR compliant
Robust Data Analysis & Visualization options, including integrations with Microsoft, PowerBi, etc.
Third-Party Tool Integrations , including Android Application Integrations and CommCare HQ APIs
Proven track record of Scaling Your System
Competitive Software Plans
Available Support & Services
One million users & counting