To test your Question IDs, choose "export form contents" under Tools to view all questions in your form.
Naming Conventions: Menus and Forms
Users will navigate the application using form and menu names.
Names should clearly describe what the menu or form does
They should be short names (fit on one line of the phone's screen)
Use the same name for forms with similar functions (ex. registration in different modules)
Case Management
Some important things to consider:
Turn on CommCare Sense Mode For most applications, this will result in a simpler user experience for low literate users. Some advanced features may be hidden (ex. Saved/Incomplete forms on CommCare Android)
Turn on Two-Way Sync: This will let ensure that if cases are reassigned, the user will be able to load them on their phone.
Setup Daily/Weekly Sync: If you're using case sharing, make sure you have daily or weekly sync on your phones so that users have a fresh version of any cases.
Set Text Input for Java Phones: Set to Native for non-english typing or full screen for QWERTY.
For Java Phones, set CommCare version to the latest available (indicated by a *)
Language Support
For multilingual applications make sure each of the following is translated:
Question labels/display text in a form
Names of forms and modules
Any information displayed in the case list and detail (including ID mapping)
User Interface translations (Translate the CommCare User Interface) for your language. Common language (ex. back, form is loading) should be updated.
Set the default language of your application before creating your released build. Drag and drop the languages and put the default language at the top.