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Unsynced Time Limit - How long the application can go without syncing with the server before highlighting the sync message in red warning text 

Java Phone General Settings

Send Data Over HTTP - Choose whether to send data securely over HTTPS or not (applies to Java phones only)

Java Phone Platform - The kind of Java phone you want to run the application on.  For QWERTY keyboard phones, choose generic.

Admin Password - The password for the admin login feature.  Please note the "Password Format" setting and ensure your chosen admin password matches this format.

Password Format - Whether to allow alphanumeric passwords on the phone vs. numeric only. 

Allow User Registration from Phone - Whether you want to be able to register a user from the mobile application with a custom form vs. CommCareHQ only 

Send Data - Whether to send data from the application to CommCareHQ.  This is highly recommended.  Please note that turning off this settings will result in no data collection

Sync Mode - Whether the application can receive information from the server ("Two-way Sync") or only send information to the server ("Push Only").  Enabling Case Sharing will automatically enable Two-way Sync. If set to "Push Only", the Auto-Sync Frequency and Unsynced Time Limit settings will have no effect.

Java Phone User Interface Settings

CommCare Sense - Enable the special CommCare Mobile user interface for low-literate users.  More Info

Extra Key Action - What the 'Extra Key' (# on Nokia Phones) does when pressed. Language cycles through any available translations. Audio plays the question's audio if available. NOTE: If audio is selected, a question's audio will not be played by default when the question is displayed."

Item Selection Mode - Whether to select menu items using the normal scroll interface, or by pressing the number key that corresponds to that menu entry.  Numeric input is recommended for users with low phone literacy, and is enabled automatically by CommCare Sense mode.

Send Forms Mode - Whether completed forms are sent automatically or require the user to choose to when to send the forms. If automatic is enabled, forms will attempt to send on their own without intervention from the user. If manual is enabled, the user must manually decide when to attempt to send forms.  CommCare Sense automatically sets this to "automatic".

Text Input - Whether to allow only the default Roman character input, or to accept international characters.  Note that the latter will depend on what input languages are available on the phone. For full keyboard phones (QWERTY style), select Native (international) or else CommCare will default to T9 keyboard input.

Form Entry Style - Multiple Questions per Screen displays a running list of questions on the screen at the same time. One Question per Screen displays each question independently. 

User Login Mode - Whether to require the user to enter their password every time they open the application.  Normal mode requires password entry.  Auto login only requires a password the first time the user logs in, then automatically logs them in every time they open the application after that.

Login Buttons - Allows you to replace the "login" and "demo" buttons with icons

Android Settings

Days for Review - For how long completed forms remain in the Saved menu before they are erased from the phone.
