Set a name and description for the report by clicking the Edit pencil next to each text field.
Report Type
Choose the type of report you'd like (a list of records, a summary or a map).
Group By: This will summarize that particular property (creating one row for each unique value of that property).
Count Per Choice: This will create one column for each unique value of the property. For example, if you have a Yes / No question, this will create two columns, a Yes column and a No column. Each column will contain the number of forms / cases that had that particular answer.
Sum: This will sum up the answers for that column
Average: This will average the answers for that column
User Filters
This section will let you add filters that can be used when viewing the report. Choose "+ Add User Filter" and then choose the column you want to filter on. The format column will control how the filter appears - Choice filters will let you choose one of the possible values of the property, Date filters will let you choose a date range.
Default filters are always applied to the report (so that users don't need to manually apply the filters). For example, you may add a default filter so that only open cases are shown in the report. The Date format will let you automatically filter the report to default date ranges (i.e. the previous month or the last 7 days).
Adding Charts
If you are building a Summary report, you can also add a chart. The chart types are "Bar" and "Pie". Bar charts will show one bar per each column that is summed or averaged. Pie charts will show the breakdown of the first column that is summed or averaged.