Web Users (= supervisors): have access to CommTrack web where they configure the CommTrack project settings and CommTrack web reports. You could have multiple web users managing mobile agents and view data outputs. After adding new web users, you could now set permission to limit their data access.You could link a web user with a specific program/location, so that this web user can see reports and data submitted by CommTrack mobile users associated with this program/location.
- adding new web users
- https://confluence.dimagi.com/display/commtrack/Web + User + Access + Setup
Mobile Users (= mobile workers): have access to CommTrack mobile application installed on their phone / tablet only. CommTrack mobile users can only be set up by a web user. You can manually create mobile users and associate each of them with specific locations and programs, or use the bulk upload tool to create mobile users and link them to programs/locations all in one go.