- CommTrack Mobile is the mobile device part of CommTrack. This could be a phone, tablet, or someone entering data using a computer. Someone using CommTrack Mobile is generally the stock-keeper and stock-requester (could be a pharmacist at a village dispensary). CommTrack is the website (www.commtrack.org) where administrative users can access data, design applications, and manage mobile workers. CommCareHQ is the web portal that administrative users arrive at once they successfully sign in on CommTrack site. Users are typically supervisors at district level or even higher decision-making level.
- CommTrack is a module built on CommCare HQ, the open source platform developed by Dimagi. CommCareHQ is Dimagi's flagship project, while CommTrack is a less mature, but more focused platform. CommTrack is specifically designed to use mHealth technologies to improve the efficiency of Supply Chain Management Systems in developing countries and to resolve product availability challenges.
The Era of Two-way SMS
CommTrack began with providing SMS solutions, enabling any functional mobile phone to submit stock report and receive corresponding alters and reports in structured SMS format. Learn more about CommTrack SMS capabilities and our case studies.
The Era of Mobile App
For an overview and features of CommTrack mobile app, check out our video demos.
Exploring CommTrack
Get a better understanding of CommTrack by setting up your first project space!