Here is the calculate expression:
coalesce(instance('ledgerledgerdb')/ledgerdb/ledger[@entity-id=case_id]/section[@section-id='balance']/entry[@id=current()/../@id], 0)
Looking at the ledger reference
case_id: put here the id of the case where you want to get your ledger from. For example instance('commcaresession')/session/data/case_id = the current case ID.
So instance('ledgerledgerdb')/ledgerdb/ledger[@entity-id=instance('commcaresession')/session/data/case_id]
Says grab the ledger for this case
Says grab the section called “balance” (this corresponds to the “balance ID”). You could use here 'stock', 'consumption' ...
Says grab the entry value with the ID of the current product