Once you've created your Organization Levels, you can also use Excel to create or update the organization structure. Using Excel might be easier when managing larger numbers of locations.
- Go to the Organization Structure page (Users tab -> Organization Structure) and then choose Bulk
- Upload.
- Download the Excel file - it will list a tab for each organization level. You can add (or edit rows) in this Excel document to create new locations. For each location you're required to provide the following information:
- Name: The name of the location
- Site Code: This is a unique identifier for the location and cannot contain any spaces or special characters
- Parent Site Code: This is the site code of the parent of this location. If the location doesn't have a parent, leave this column blank
- Latitude
- and Longitude: Optional columns to set the coordinates of the location.
- and Longitude: Optional columns to set the coordinates of the location.
- Once you've created or updated your Excel file, upload the Excel file using the same download page.
Note: You cannot move locations using the bulk upload (changing the parent site code for an existing location will result in an error).