Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Back to the Data Export Overview


  • Automatically convert dates for excel: Leaving this checked will ensure dates appear in excel format. Otherwise they will appear as a normal text format.
  • Automatically format cells for Excel 2007+: If this setting is not selected, your export will be in Excel’s general format. If you enable this setting, Excel will format dates, integers, decimals, Boolean values (True/False) and currencies.
  • Create a Daily Saved Export: By checking this box, the saved export will be pre-processed once every 24 hours and available for immediate download on the main Form Exports page. After 35 days without downloading the export will stop updating, but you can press the "Update Data" button to resume daily updates. 
  • Include duplicates and other unprocessed forms: If every variable collected by the mobile user is the same, CommCare flags these submissions as a "duplicate." This can happen when there is more connectivity, so CommCare mobile submits a form multiple times before it receives confirmation that a form has reached the server. By checking this box, there will be duplicate form submissions in the export download.
  • Expand Multiple Choice Questions: if you have checkbox questions in your app this setting will create one column for every possible answer. 


    • In the Export Dashboard you will find a check box to select all or specific exports
    • On checking the box, you will notice a "Delete Selected Export" button becomes available on the left side of the page
    • Click on the "Delete Selected Export" button and you will be promoted to confirm the bulk delete action
    • Once Delete Export is clicked it will bulk delete the exports selected at once

Image Added

Image Removed

E. Multimedia Exports


Any form with associated multimedia files will have a Download button accessible. When you download the multimedia, it will appear as a zip file onto your computer, each photo will be a unique JPEG. These media files will be named in the format question ID-username-form id

Example: [casename]-[question_id]-[username]-[form_id].jpg

Example: johnm-head_of_household-supervisor5-e9b4cdfa-c6a2-8607-b4e8-9839493ca2de.jpg

To identify which form submission a multimedia file came from, use the form_id (in green above). Each form submission has a unique form_id.

E. Common Questions Regarding Data Exports

What is the difference between "---" and blank values in form exports?


If you see "---" in a form, this means that a question was never presented to the end user. For example, if you have a question that had a display condition that was not met and therefore the question was hidden completely from the mobile worker, including that field in a form export will show "---" as the value, i.e. questions skipped logically/automatically by the app show up in exports as "---" 

This also happens when the mobile user is not using the latest version of an application in which question ids or the application structure have been changed, hence the user never sees the latest questions and the data appears as "—". For more information, see Making Changes to a Deployed Application


Error Messages In Exports

Multimedia Exports

You may notice this error message when trying to export multimedia:

Image Modified

 This indicates that the file size is too large, and you should reattempt downloading the multimedia export by changing your filters to reduce the file size. Due to limited system resources, we are able to support multimedia exports only up to 5 GB in size.


This export contains 101865 rows. Please change the filters to be less than 100000 rows.

This means that the number of rows exceeds what we're able to successfully support via the export UI. You can try to reduce the date range of the export and download in batches, or you can also add filters to reduce the number of users the export is covering.

Alternatively, you can use other methods we have available to export your Form Data in case you have a large data set. Please see this help page for more information on selecting tools for data exports on CommCare HQ.