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titleThis feature requires a CommCare Software Plan

This feature (CommCare Messaging) is only available to CommCare users with a Standard Plan or higher. For more details, see the CommCare Software Plan page.


Table of Contents

Report: Message Log  


The Message Log is a cumulative list of messages sent and received. This is the history of all SMS-interactions.


A single message can be tagged as multiple types.  For example, a survey that is submitted as a structured keyword will be tagged as survey and keyword.   

Filtering the Report

The report will let you filter to view a specific set of messages.  You can filter by:


  • You cannot delete messages from the message log.

Report: Message History 


The Messaging History report allows you to view all of the messaging related activity for a project - it will list any successful and attempted messages to help you troubleshoot and understand your messaging project.  


 Or navigate directly using

Filtering the Report

The report will let you filter to view a specific set of messages.  You can filter by:

  • Date range of the message
  • Type of message (Broadcast message, keyword, reminder, survey, etc.)
  • Status - Completed, In Progress (for two way surveys), Error
  • Phone Number for Message

View Message Details

The report will list individual messaging events - an event could contain multiple messages (ex. an SMS survey will contain many messages between CommCareHQ and the participant, but will only be listed once).  


For unsuccessful messages, the report will show the reason for failure (missing phone number, duplicate phone number, etc.).  

Report: SMS Usage Report 


 Use this report to check the activity of mobile workers in your project. This is similar to the standard worker monitoring report. 

Filtering the Report

The report will let you filter to view a specific set of messages.  You can filter by:

  • Reporting group
  • Date range of the message

Use the Report

The report provides a high level summary for each user, with three columns

  1. Messages received
  2. Messages sent 
  3. Phone Numbers used 

Notes and Limitations

If the mobile worker has never used a phone number, they are also inactive. 

Only contacts with verified accounts are included in this report. 


Report: SMS Opt Out Report


 Use this report to check if a contact has opted out of receiving SMS messages.

If a contact has opted out, they will no longer receive SMS messages under any condition. 

Filtering the Report

The report will show Phone Numbers who have used the opt-out workflow, across the life of the project. 

The report can exported to Excel where the data can be manipulated more easily. 

The report does not link to other pages on CommCareHQ.

Use the Report

The report identifies contacts in a project space who have used the opt-out workflow.

The list of contacts shows the timestamp of their last action and if a contact has accepted to receive SMS.

  1. No, cannot receive SMS. The row will show a time stamp for Last Opt Out Timestamp
    To opt out, a contact must text in the word "Stop"

  2. Yes, can receive SMS. The row will show a time stamp for Last Opt In Timestamp. 
    To opt in, a contact must text in the word "Yes"
    The user will receive a message, 
    "You have opted-in to receive messages from CommCareHQ. To opt-out, reply to this number with STOP

Notes and Limitations

You can not filter this report based on standard parameters.