- Include duplicates and other unprocessed forms: If every variable collected by the mobile user is the same, CommCare flags these submissions as a "duplicate." This can happen when there is more connectivity, so CommCare mobile submits a form multiple times before it receives confirmation that a form has reached the server. By checking this box, there will be duplicate form submissions in the export download.
- Create a Daily Saved Export: By checking this box, the saved custom report will be pre-processed once every 24 hours and available for immediate download on the main Form Exports page. After 35 days without downloading the export will stop updating, but you can press the "Update Data" button to resume daily updates.
- Automatically convert dates for excel: Leaving this checked will ensure dates appear in excel format. Otherwise they will appear as a normal text format.
- Show Deleted Questions and Advanced Properties: if If checked, the export will allow you to see to see advanced properties and questions that have been deleted from the current version of your application. Advanced properties include metadata like case updates and server information.