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Back to the Data Export Overview


This export functionality provides the ability to download data from the forms submitted to CommCareHQ. You should use this feature when you are interested in measuring an outcome across beneficiaries across time. Applications that track a beneficiary over time will usually collect data in different forms at different points in time. This Form export will capture all of the changes in the data at these different time points. 


This page is divided into five main parts:

A. Creating New Form Exports

B. Downloading Form Exports

C. Bulk Forms Export

D. Daily Saved Exports

E. Multimedia Exports

Table of Contents

A. Creating New Form Exports


The Export Forms page shows the exports you or others have created:

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            Name: The name you titled the custom report


  •  If you would like to create an export that automatically updates its data every 24 hours, you can create a Daily Saved Export:

    • On the Export Edit page, you can check the box "Create a Daily Saved Export:

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    • An export of this type will show up as follows on your Export Forms page:

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  • To view your Daily Saved Export data, you can utilize the following options:

    • Click the "Export" button to download a normal form download with the latest data
    • Click the download a saved version of the download. You can see when the saved download was last updated in the "Last Updated" text.
    • Click the "Update Data" button to update the export to its most recent version

E. Multimedia Exports

Downloading Captured Media Files

1. To start, save the export you would like to download (as you would in Part B above). Be careful to include the multimedia field by adding check-box next to it.
2. Scroll down on your form exports page until you see the Export you want to download. Select the blue export button
3. Now you have arrived at the download form export page. there are two buttons. 1) prepare export (deep blue) and 2) prepare multimedia (light blue). Pictured below. 
4. Select the"Prepare Multimedia" button, it will process, and the button will turn green. Select "Download Multimedia"


These media files will be named in the format formName-questionID-username-formid.extension

Example: [form name]-[question_id]-[username]-[form_id].jpg

Example: registration-head_of_household-supervisor5-e9b4cdfa-c6a2-8607-b4e8-9839493ca2de


Use the alpha-numeric string at the end of the picture title, this is form_id and can be used to link the picture to your form export. 


When you download the multimedia, it will appear as a zip file onto your computer, each photo will be a unique JPEG.
