Back to the Data Export Overview
If you would like to create an export that automatically updates its data every 24 hours, you can create a Daily Saved Export:
- On the Export Edit page, you can check the box Create a Daily Saved Export:
- An export of this type will show up as follows on your Export Forms page:
- To view your Daily Saved Export data, you can utilize the following options:
- Click the "Export" button to download a normal form download with the latest data
- Click the download a saved version of the download. You can see when the saved download was last updated in the "Last Updated" text.
- Click the "Update Data" button to update the export to its most recent version
These media files will be named in the format formName-questionID-username-formid.extension
Example: [form name]-[question_id]-[username]-[form_id].jpg
Example: registration-head_of_household-supervisor5-e9b4cdfa-c6a2-8607-b4e8-9839493ca2de
Use the alpha-numeric string at the end of the picture title, this is form_id and can be used to link the picture to your form export.
When you download the multimedia, it will appear as a zip file onto your computer, each photo will be a unique JPEG.