- Create an account (or log into your existing account) at: https://telerivet.com/
- Setup your Android phone:
c) Follow the steps outlined on the screen to download and install the application. Note that you do not have to use your google account do this; can use the option to just go through Telerivet.
d) On the Android phone, setup Telerivet to process incoming calls. Generate an API Key if one is not yet generated:
c) After generating your API key, please write down the API Key, the Project ID and Phone ID, or keep the Telerivet tab open online so that you can refer to this information in a few minutes.
Configure Telerivet to notify CommCareHQ when SMS are sent to your phone:
c) Please type in the information as shown below, and copy the following Webhook URL: https://www.commcarehq.org/telerivet/in/ (if you don't copy this exactly, your system will not work). Make sure to also write down the "Webhook secret" somewhere as well (you will need it later).
Step 2 - Integrate your Telerivet account with CommCareHQ