2. The manager alerts you that each file is missing, and you will need to select the green button "Upload or select Image." There is one row for each missing file. After clicking on "Upload or select Image" you will see something like this:
3. Click on "Select Image" to find the appropriate file on your computer. You can also enter a key word into the search box and try to find a relevant image in our shared images library (not yet operational, as of September 2012)
4. After you select a file, you will have the option to "Change File" if it was not the correct file or to "Upload the Image." Before uploading, if you are willing to share the media file and it is open source, you can check the box next to "Share this media" and enter some relevant keywords. This will allow future CommCare users to use the media file.
If your multimedia files are already correctly labeled, you can chose "Bulk Upload Multimedia" on the right side of the screen. This tool will help you to match all the files to the relevant references. If the files are not yet labeled, you will need to use option 1 or 2 above.
You will need to structure the files according to the file paths.
For example, take the image file: jr://file/commcare/germy/image/data/germs_all_cups.png
You need to name the file germs_all_cups.png. However, you also have to create a directory structure that mirrors the file path. So you need a "commcare" folder with a "germy" folder inside, then "image", then "data", and finally put the png inside that.
STEP 3: Download Your Media Files!