Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Here's how this question will look on the phone (note that calendar questions may differ depending upon phone models):


Multiple Choice (


Single Answer) Question: Had previous pregnancy?

Now comes a new type of question- the Multiple Choice question. We are going to ask a "yes or no" question- whether or not the woman previously gave birth.


Here is how this question will appear on the phone:



Number Questions: How Many Children?

This next two questions will be easy again. We want to add two integer number questions. Click on the numeric number question type to add the question.


Here's how it will look on the phone:


Multiple Choice (Single


Answer) Question: Feeling Sick today?

Almost done with the first part!


  • Choice 1:
    • Answer Value: yes
    • Label Text: Yes
  • Choice 2
    • Answer Value: no
    • Label Text: No

Label: Be sure to tell the woman to go to get her



The last thing we want to add is a screen that does not ask for any information, but only provides a written message to the mobile user. We want to remind her to tell the pregnant woman to go to the clinic. 
