You can add multimedia in the Form Builder, or you can add them in the Multimedia Manager
Excerpt |
STEP 1: Adding a multimedia reference
3. If you click on any of these buttons, you will see a file-path automatically generated. Here you can see what the Media section looks like with an image file-path added: 4. At this point you have the option of uploading an image direction into the form builder. Alternatively, you can just leave this reference and add the media through the Multimedia Manager. Note that if you add a reference but do not add a media file, your application will show the file-path instead of any image, so it is important to upload files for each reference you create. Don't worry, this is why the Multimedia Manager is there. 5. You can remove the reference by clicking on the red X. 6. You can also manually change the file-path by clicking on the Advanced: Show Path button. 7. Save the Form when you've finished your changes. |
Each language of display text gets its own set of file-paths in case you want separate files, so this can be useful when you want to use different images for each language. However, by default the automatically generated file-paths are the same for all languages; you'll have to manually adjust them if you want support for more than one language. The file path automatically uses the Question ID, so here is what it looks like for an image for the question labeled hemoglobin_low_counsel:
STEP 2: Uploading Files
Option 1: Form Builder
- You can add files directly in the form builder, if you choose to. If you do that, you will be able to see the files you have uploaded when viewing the Multimedia Manager. To upload a file, simply click on "Upload Image/Video/Audio" button in the Media Section of Question Properties.
Option 2: Multimedia Manager - Manual Upload
Again, you can see the number of missing files, and have the option to download a ZIP of all the multimedia files.
Let's try uploading an image file. If
- If you have not yet uploaded any files, after clicking on "Image References" you will see something like this:
2. The manager alerts you that each file is missing, and you will need to select the green button "Upload or select Image." There is one row for each missing file. After clicking on "Upload or select Image" you will see something like this:
3. Click on "Select Image" to find the appropriate file on your computer. You can also enter a key word into the search box and try to find a relevant image in our shared images library (not yet operational, as of September 2012)
4. After you select a file, you will have the option to "Change File" if it was not the correct file or to "Upload the Image." Before uploading, if you are willing to share the media file and it is open source, you can check the box next to "Share this media" and enter some relevant keywords. This will allow future CommCare users to use the media file.
5. After you have uploaded the media file, your list will no longer have red "missing" tags, but green "found" tags. It should look more like this:
6. As you can see, your options from the Multimedia Manager have now changed. You can preview the file by hovering your cursor over "Preview Image," or clicking on "Preview Image" to open the file in a new window (you'll have to open a new window to hear an uploaded audio file!). If you want to change the image, click on "Replace Image" and follow the same instructions as before.
Once you have uploaded all of your media files you can easily download all of them in one click, with all the correct file names. You can choose to download the Media ZIP from several locations on CommCareHQ:
- on On the main application page under "Multimedia"
- in In the Multimedia Manager main page (see above)
- in In the release manager of your application after clicking "deploy"
- The file will be downloaded as a ZIP and you will have to unzip the file in order to use it. By storing and transmitting it as a ZIP is a good idea so that you don't lose any of those media files!