Back to the Data Export Overview
- In the Export Dashboard you will find a check box allowing for Bulk Export
- On checking the box, you will notice a "Bulk Export" button becomes available
- Click on the "Bulk Export" button, and all selected exports will be downloaded to a single excel workbook
Note: bulk exports will only export the first tab from each export. Tabs containing repeat or case history data will not be included.
D. Daily Saved Exports
- If you would like to create an export that automatically updates its data every 24 hours, you can create a Daily Saved Export:
- On the Export Edit page, you can check the box "Create a Daily Saved Export:
- An export of this type will show up as follows on your Export Forms page:
- On the Export Edit page, you can check the box "Create a Daily Saved Export:
Any form with associated files will have a Download button accessible. These media files will be named in the format formName-questionID-username-formid.extension