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After hitting "create" or "edit" on your form, you are inside the Form Designer. The Form Designer is Dimagi's easy-to-use interface for building CommCare forms. As mentioned in CommCare Fundamentals it is possible to use other tools as well, once you are comfortable with the process and structure.




Along the top of the screen you will see the Question Bar, in which a number of different icons which represent question types. You can click on the drop down arrows to see which types of questions are in each menu.


This will create a text question, wherein the user we provided with will see a box and a full keyboard to type alphanumeric text. It should look like this in the form builder:

You can ignore everything that is not in "Main Properties."


  • Add another text question from the Question Bar
  • Set the Question ID to village_name
  • Set the Label text to: Village Name:


Date Question: Last Menstrual Period (LMP)

  • Add a Date question from the Question Bar (the calendar icon)
  • Set the Question ID to: lmp
  • Set the Label Text to: Date of Last Menstrual Period


To do that, click on the "multiple choice" question button in the Question Bar. When you do that you will see that the circle button next to it lights up:

  • Click it the "Add Answer" button twice to add both answers. It should look like this in the Question Tree:


This next two questions will be easy again. We want to add two integer questions. Click on the numeric question type to add the question.

The first one should look like this:


  • Question ID: living_boys
  • Label Text: How many living boys?

How 's does it look?

Single Select Question: Feeling Sick today?

Almost done with the first part!

Add another Multiple Choice (Single Answer) question:

  • Question ID: feeling_sick
  • Label Text: Is the woman feeling sick today?

Then add two choices:

  • Choice 1:
    • Answer Value: yes
    • Label Text: Yes
  • Choice 2
    • Answer Value: no
    • Label Text: No


The last thing we want to add is a screen that doesn't ask for any information, but provides a written message to the mobile user. We want to remind her to tell the pregnant woman to go to the clinic.

To add a label you will need to click on the drop-down menu text to the "T" for text question in the Question Bar:

Then set the main properties as follows:

  • Question ID: clinic_reminder
  • Label Text: Remind the pregnant woman to go to the clinic for her check-up!
