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In Part 3 of the tutorialBeginner Tutorial, you will learn the following:
- Text: Inserts a text question or a "label" that does not elicit a user response
- Multiple choice: Inserts a multiple choice question that can have a single-answer (yes-i.e. Do you have children? yes or no) or multiple answers (which foods do you like? pizza/toast/peanut butter/apples/carrots)
- Choice: Inserts the options within your multiple choice question
- Number: Inserts a question with a numeric response, such as a phone number or age
- Date: Inserts a date or time question
- Hidden Value: Inserts a value of one question into another Allows access to values from other forms or allows you to perform more complex calculations. The user does not see a hidden value when working in the form.
- Group: Inserts a group question Provides a structure to keep related questions together
- Multimedia Capture: Inserts a question that captures an image, audio, or video file
- Advanced: a list A list of more advanced, less common question types
In this tutorial we will only be concerned with Main Properties and Logic Properties.
Try adding any text in the Question ID and Label Text boxes (i.e. try writing "patient name" or "address")
Delete this text question by using the red delete button in the upper right-hand corner.
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You can't put just anything as a Question ID. Here are the rules:
If you violate one or more of these rules, you'll get a warning message! Try it! In addition, we can suggest some best practices for Question IDs:
2- Add questions
Let's start populating this form with questions.
- Click on the "T" button again to add a text question
- Set the Question ID to say: woman_name
- Set Label text to say: Woman's Name
This will create a text question, wherein the user we provided with a box and a full keyboard to type alphanumeric text. It should look like this: