Data Dictionary provides a method for documenting case properties by grouping them , and adding descriptions , and labels and the expected data type. By doing so, it is easier to visualize and contextualize the property within the context of the case.
Name of the case type.
Options for exporting and importing definitions to Excel.
Deprecated case properties button that displays deprecated properties for the current case type. The default display conditions do not show the deprecated case properties.
Each property includes the data type, the label, description , valid values, formats and the option to archive the case property.
An option to add a new case property.
The ability to add a new case properties group.
- Firstly, this can be accomplished by adding new rows to the exported Excel file and then importing this file into the Data Dictionary.
- The second option is to fill in the text box next to the "Add Case Property" button at the bottom of the page (see the below image), and then click "Add Case Property" to create a new entry. After creating all your case properties in this manner, click the button
- It is advised to create and save case properties in small batches.
- If an error is made during the process , simply refresh the page and the unsaved changes will be removed.
to complete the process.
Case properties can be grouped using the Case Property Group. You can manage which case properties are associated with the Case Property Group by dragging and dropping them into or out of itthe group. Click the button at the top right of the page to complete the process.
In the sheet corresponding to the Case Type, you will find the following columns corresponding to Case Properties:
Label: the label of the property
Group: the property group, CommCare creates a new data dictionary property group and associates it with the Case Property;
Case datatype: the expected datatype;
Description: for a more detailed description of the property, it is useful to include validations, expected values, or relationships with other properties.
Deprecated: accepts TRUE if the property is deprecated, FALSE otherwise.
An Excel file exported from the data dictionary is shown below. As there are no descriptions or groups in the data dictionary, the columns appear empty, and the label duplicates the property name. Excel sheets were created There are tabs for each for each type of casecase type within the project space.
Import Data Dictionary Definitions
Here is an example of an Excel file definition for a patient team case type, each row has the case property and each column contains the property's details.
3) Import the file: Select the file and select the "upload data dictionary" option. After the import is completed, commCare CommCare will display a message about the import.