- Move Village Name above Woman's Name in the Question Tree
Date Question: Last Menstrual Period
Single Select Question: Previous Births?
- Add a Date question (the calendar icon)
- Set the Question ID to: lmp
- Set the Label Text to: Date of Last Menstrual Period
Everything is the same as when you added a text question, just the question type is different!
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You can change the question type using the "T" dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the Question Properties box. The only thing you can't change is a label. |
Multiple Choice (one answer) Question: Had previous pregnancy?
Now comes a new type of question- the Multiple Choice question. We are going to ask a yes or no question- whether or not the woman gave birth previously.
This means we need to add three things:
- The question
- The answer choice "No"
- The answer choice "Yes"
To do that, click on the "multiple choice" question button. When you do that you will see that the circle button next to it lights up:
- Click it twice to add both answers. It should look like this in the Question Tree:
Click on the question ("question4" in the image above) and fill out the Question ID and Label Text:
- Question ID: living_children
- Label Text:
However, we also need to change the names of the choices. Click on one of them and you will see something similar to what you have seen for questions:
The Answer Value is similar to the Question ID - this is how the data will be coded; the Label is the text that the user will see.
Set the first one to:
- Answer Value: yes
- Label Text: Yes
And the second choice:
- Answer Value: no
- Label Text: No
It will look like this:
Integer Question: How Many Children?
Single Select Question:
Feeling Sick today?
Label: Be sure to tell the woman to go to get her ANC check-up!