Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Move Village Name above Woman's Name in the Question Tree

Date Question: Last Menstrual Period



Single Select Question: Previous Births?




  • Add a Date question (the calendar icon)
  • Set the Question ID to: lmp
  • Set the Label Text to: Date of Last Menstrual Period

Everything is the same as when you added a text question, just the question type is different!

titleWhat if I want to change question types? Do I have to delete the question and do it over again?

You can change the question type using the "T" dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the Question Properties box. The only thing you can't change is a label.

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Multiple Choice (one answer) Question: Had previous pregnancy?

Now comes a new type of question- the Multiple Choice question. We are going to ask a yes or no question- whether or not the woman gave birth previously.

This means we need to add three things:

  • The question
  • The answer choice "No"
  • The answer choice "Yes"

To do that, click on the "multiple choice" question button. When you do that you will see that the circle button next to it lights up:

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  • Click it twice to add both answers. It should look like this in the Question Tree:

Image Added

Click on the question ("question4" in the image above) and fill out the Question ID and Label Text:

  • Question ID: living_children
  • Label Text:

However, we also need to change the names of the choices. Click on one of them and you will see something similar to what you have seen for questions:

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The Answer Value is similar to the Question ID - this is how the data will be coded; the Label is the text that the user will see. 

Set the first one to:

  • Answer Value: yes
  • Label Text: Yes

And the second choice:

  • Answer Value: no
  • Label Text: No

It will look like this:

Image Added

Integer Question: How Many Children?


Single Select Question:


Feeling Sick today?


Label: Be sure to tell the woman to go to get her ANC check-up!
