Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Time to start building!

titleLearning Objectives

In this part of tutorial, you will learn the following:

  • How to add, delete, and change the order of questions in a form
  • What some of the different question types are
  • How to add Question IDs and what they mean
  • Adding and editing Label Text
  • How to add a display condition using the Expression Builder
  • How to add a validation condition using the Expression Builder

1- Learn how to navigate the Form Designer


Image Added

There are several buttons, each one for a type of question to add to your form. These will appear in your "Question Tree" in the order they will appear on your device. In order, these buttons are:

  • Text: Inserts a text question or a "label" that does not elicit a user response
  • Multiple choice: Inserts a multiple choice question that can have a single-answer (yes-no) or multiple answers
    • Choice: Inserts the options within your multiple choice question
  • Number: Inserts a question with a numeric response, such as a phone number or age
  • Date: Inserts a date or time question
  • Hidden Value: Inserts a value of one question into another or allows you to perform more complex calculations
  • Group: Inserts a group question 
  • Multimedia Capture: Inserts a question that captures an image, audio, or video file
  • Advanced: a list of more advanced, less common question types

You can hover over the question button to see what it does. For more information on the From Designer and Question types see our Form Designer Help Site.


2- Add questions


3- Add simple logic


Your first form is ready- it's time to test your application. Go on to Part 4.