1. What Pricing Plans does Dimagi Offer?
No. The software plans only limit the number of "mobile users" in each software plan. There is no limit to the number of "web users" you can have. For the difference between a web user and a mobile user, please see this page (https://confluence.dimagi.com/display/commcarepublic/CommCare+Fundamentals+-+Web+and+Mobile+Users) on our CommCare Help site.
114. How are payments made?
By January 1st, 2014, organizations will be able to pay via credit card on CommCareHQ. If an organizations also purchases services package, Dimagi will includes the software plan for 12 months. This will also be visible in HQ billing.
15. Where does CommConnect fit into the CommCare software plans?
To learn about CommConnect pricing, please refer to the SMS (CommConnect) section in the software plans. CommConnect projects are available on all plans except for the "Community" software plan.
116. Where does CommTrack fit into the CommCare software plans?