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titleCertificate Rollover Date is Upcoming - November 12, 2013

Notice: CommCare's security certificate renewal date is approaching on November 12, 2013. This means that after November 12, 2013, Nokia phones will not allow you to install a copy of CommCare that was created before September 26, 2013, when the new certificate entered service.

What do I need to do?
If you are managing a deployment, all you need to do is go to the "Deploy" section and make a new version of each of your applications. Any time a new installation is performed, it should be done with a version that has been made since September 26, 2013. You may need to make and save a small change to enable making a new version.

Some commonly asked questions are answered below, followed by technical details about application signing


Q. Which projects are affected by the rollover?

All Java Phone projects which have versions built and in use from before September 26, 2013, when the new certificate was introduced.

Q. Will my versions currently installed and in use on phones keep working after the rollover date (November 12)? 


Yes. Applications which were "installed" (run at least once) before the certificate rollover will continue working on their current phone with no intervention. The only exception is if an application is being run directly from an SD Card, and the SD card is removed and re-inserted. In this case the phone will re-validate the certificate.

Q. How do I update an application to be signed against a new certificate?
